EQA Scheme

Mycoserology 02 - Cryptococcus neoformans/ - gattii Antigen (481)

2 samples
Sample properties:
Serum or CSF
Price Per Test:
Price upon request


Registration deadline:

Sample shipment:

Closing Date:

Feb. (1) Oct. (5)
22.11.2024 18.07.2025
21.01.2025 16.09.2025
07.02.2025 03.10.2025
Shipping Information:
Shipping at ambient temperature
Detection of Cryptococcus neoformans / Cryptococcus gattii Antigen
Certificate Validity:
12 months
Safety Note:
Process as patient sample material. The participating laboratory must be authorized to perform direct and/or indirect detection of pathogens.
EQAS Expert:

PD Dr. med. Volker Rickerts

Robert Koch-Institut

FG 16 Erreger von Pilz- und Parasiteninfektionen und Mykobakteriosen

Seestraße 10

13353 Berlin


+49 30 18754 2208
