EQA Scheme Program

EQA Scheme

ACE (Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme) (630)

Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme ACE Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Jürgen Durner

EQA Scheme

Adrenal Gland/Pituitary (298)

Adrenal Gland HGH DHEA-S DHEA 1-39 ACTH Pituitary Prolactin Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Aldosterone (304)

Aldosterone Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Amino Acid Analysis (710)

Lysine Leucine Isoleucine Histidine Glycine Glutamic acid Glutamine Cystine Cysteine-Homocysteine-disulfide Cystathionine Citrulline b-Alanine Aspartic acid Asparagine Argininosuccinic acid Arginine Amino Acid Analysis alpha-Aminoadipic acid allo-Isoleucine Alanine 4-Hydroxyproline Methionine Ornithine Phenylalanine Phosphoethanolamine Proline Sarcosine Serine Taurine Threonine Tryptophan Tyrosine Valine M. Sc. Irina Steiner Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Schadewaldt

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Ammonia (118)

Ammonia Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Nauck

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Antiarrhytmics - Amiodaron (190)

Desethylamiodarone Antiarrhytmics Amiodarone Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Antibacterials 01 - Teicoplanin (193)

Antibacterials Teicoplanin Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Antibacterials 02 (890)

Linezolid Ceftazidime Cefepime Antibacterials Ampicillin Meropenem Piperacilline Sulbactam Tazobactam Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer

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Anticonvulsants 01 (191)

Levetiracetam Lamotrigine Anticonvulsants Sulthiame Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Anticonvulsants 02 (192)

Carbamazepine-epoxide Anticonvulsants 10-OH-Carbamazepine N-Desmethylmethsuximide Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Anticonvulsants 03 (871)

Lacosamide Felbamate Eslicarbazepine Anticonvulsants Rufinamide Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Anticonvulsants 04 (872)

Gabapentin Anticonvulsants Pregabalin Tiagabine Topiramate Vigabatrin Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Antifungals / Immunosuppressants (602)

Itraconazole Immunosuppressants Hydroxy-Itraconazole Antifungals Mycophenolic acid Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas von Ahsen Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD)

EQA Scheme

Antifungals and Chloramphenicol (198)

Flucytosine Fluconazole Chloramphenicol Antifungals Posaconazole Voriconazole Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Antipsychotics/Antidepressives 01 (200)

Clozapine Antipsychotic Drugs Antipsychotic Drugs N-Desmethylclozapine Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Antipsychotics/Antidepressives 02 (873)

Levomepromazine Fluvoxamine Desmethyl sertraline Antipsychotic Drugs Antipsychotic Drugs Amisulpride Pipamperone Reboxetine Sertraline Ziprasidone Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Antipsychotics/Antidepressives 03 (874)

Fluoxetine Desmethyl fluoxetine Antipsychotic Drugs Antipsychotic Drugs Mianserine Perazine Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Antipsychotics/Antidepressives 04 (875)

Desmethyl olanzapine Chlorprotixene Antipsychotic Drugs Antipsychotic Drugs Olanzapine Paroxetine Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Antivirals (850)

Maraviroc Lopinavir HIV Etravirine Elvitegravir Efavirenz Dolutegravir Darunavir Atazanavir Antivirals Nevirapine Raltegravir Ribavirine Rilpivirin Ritonavir Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer

EQA Scheme

Benzodiazepines 01 (876)

Diazepam Desalkylflurazepam Chlordiazepoxide Benzodiazepines Alprazolam Nordiazepam Oxazepam Trazodone Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Benzodiazepines 02 (877)

Flurazepam Flunitrazepam Clonazepam Benzodiazepines Nitrazepam Temazepam Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Benzodiazepines 03 (878)

Lorazepam Clobazepam Clobazam Bromazepam Benzodiazepines Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Biogenic Amines in Plasma (185)

Dopamine Biogene Amines Epinephrine Norepinephrine Serotonin Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa

EQA Scheme

Blood Gas Analysis (161)

Magnesium Lactate Creatinine Potassium ionized Calcium Urea Glucose Chloride Blood Gas Analysis Sodium pCO2 pH pO2 Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Blood Gas Analysis - Haemoglobin (162)

Haemoglobin Fraction O2-Hb Fraction Met-Hb Fraction CO-Hb Blood Gas Analysis Dr. med. Benedikt Lohr Dr. med. Thomas Nebe

EQA Scheme

Blood Gas Analysis OPTI Systems (163)

Lactate Potassium ionized Calcium Urea Haemoglobin Chloride Blood Gas Analysis Sodium pCO2 pH pO2 sO2 Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Calcium Metabolism / Special Thyroid (301)

Calcium Metabolism Calcitonin 1-84 PTH Thyroid Hormones Thyreoglobulin Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Jürgen Durner Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa

EQA Scheme

Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (102)

Capillary Zone Electrophoresis gamma-Globulins beta-Globulins Albumin a2-Globulins a1-Globulins Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg

EQA Scheme

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 01 - Protein Analysis (460)

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 01 - Protein Analysis Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis IgM Quotient IgM IgG IgG Quotient IgA Quotient IgA Protein Albumin quotient Albumin Protein Analysis Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Uhr Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Zimmermann

EQA Scheme

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 02 - Oligoclonal IgG (462)

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 02 - Oligoclonal IgG Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Oligoclonal IgG Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Uhr Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Zimmermann

EQA Scheme

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 03 - MRZ Reaction (463)

Measles virus IgG Antibody Index Measles specific quotient Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 03 - MRZ Reaction Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Herpes simplex virus IgG Antibody Index Herpes simplex specific quotient Rubella specific quotient Rubella virus IgG Antibody Index Varizella zoster specific quotient Varizella zoster virus IgG Antibody Index Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Uhr Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Zimmermann

EQA Scheme

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 04 - Lactate/ Glucose (464)

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 04 - Lactate/ Glucose Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Lactate Glucose quotient (CSF/Serum) Glucose Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Uhr Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Zimmermann

EQA Scheme

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 05 - Neuroborreliosis (465)

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 05 - Neuroborreliosis Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Borrelia IgG Antibody Index Borrelia specific quotient Borrelia IgG Antibody Index (AI) calculation Neuroborreliosis Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Zimmermann Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Uhr

EQA Scheme

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 06 - Dementia Markers (466)

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 06 - Dementia Markers Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Total Tau Protein (Tau) Dementia Markers Amyloid ß Peptid Ratio (Aß 42/40) Amyloid ß Peptid 42 (Aß42) Amyloid ß Peptid 40 (Aß40) PhosphoTau Protein (pTau) Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Uhr Prof. Dr. med. Inga Zerr

EQA Scheme

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 07 - CSF Ferritin (467)

Ferritin Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Uhr Prof. Dr. med. Inga Zerr

EQA Scheme

Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis 08 - Free light chains Kappa (468)

Kappa Free Light Chains Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Uhr Prof. Dr. med. Inga Zerr

EQA Scheme

Clinical Chemistry - Conventional Analysis (100)

Lipase Lactate Copper IgM IgG IgA HBDH GLDH Acid phosphatase gamma-Globulins Iron Iron binding capacity CHE Bilirubin AP alpha-Amylase Aldolase Albumin Osmolality Pancreas amylase Phosphate Chloride Prostatic acid Posphatase Transferrine Calcium CK Cholesterol Protein GGT Glucose GOT GPT Urea Uric Acid Potassium Creatinine LDH Lithium Magnesium Sodium Triglycerides Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck Dr. med. Christoph Niederau

EQA Scheme

CLL-MRD Immunophenotyping (820)

CLL-MRD Immunophenotyping Prof. Dr. Karl-Anton Kreuzer Dr. Michaela Patz

EQA Scheme

Drugs of Abuse in Human Urine 01 (Qualitative + Quantitative) (174)

Drugs of Abuse Benzoylecgonine Barbiturate-phenobarbiturate Amphetamine Opiate Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. med. Christoph Niederau

EQA Scheme

Drugs of Abuse in Human Urine 02 (Qualitative + Quantitative) (176)

LSD Drugs of Abuse Buprenorphine (d-)Methamphetamine Methadone Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. med. Christoph Niederau

EQA Scheme

Drugs of Abuse in Human Urine 03 (Qualitative + Quantitative) (177)

EDDP Drugs of Abuse Benzodiazepine Lorazepam delta-9-THC-COOH MDMA Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. med. Christoph Niederau

EQA Scheme

Dry Chemistry 01 - POCT: Glucose (800)

Glucose Trockenchemie Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Biol. Astrid Petersmann Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Nauck

EQA Scheme

Dry Chemistry 02 - POCT: Abaxis Piccolo System (810)

Magnesium LDL-cholesterol LDH Lactate Creatinine Potassium HDL-cholesterol Urea Uric Acid GPT GOT Glucose GGT Protein C-Reactive Protein CK Cholesterol Chloride Calcium Bilirubin AP alpha-Amylase Albumin Sodium Phosphate tCO2 Triglycerides Trockenchemie VLDL-cholesterol Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Nauck

EQA Scheme

Ethanol (700)

Ethanol Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck

EQA Scheme

Fecal Diagnostics 01 - Calprotectin (130)

Fecal Diagnostics Calprotectin Fecal elastase Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Jürgen Durner Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Fecal Diagnostics 02 - Hb, Hb-Hapto-complex (131)

Haptoglobin Haemoglobin-Haptoglobin-Complex Fecal Diagnostics Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Jürgen Durner Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Fertility (297)

LH FSH Fertility Anti - Mullerian hormone Prof. Dr. med. Folker Wenzel Dr. med. Thomas Lutz

EQA Scheme

Fructosamine (146)

Fructosamine Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD)

EQA Scheme

G6PDH (Glucose-6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase) (279)

Glucose-6 Phosphat-Dehydrogenase G6PDH Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

EQA Scheme

Gammopathies (243)

IgM IgG IgA Gammopathies Free light chains Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Dr. med. Christoph Niederau

EQA Scheme

Glucose - Conventional Analysis (111)

Glucose Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck

EQA Scheme

Gravidity - 1st Trimester Screening (305)

Free beta-chain hCG PAPP-A Prof. Dr. med. Folker Wenzel Dr. med. Thomas Lutz

EQA Scheme

Gravidity - 2nd Trimester Screening (306)

hCG intact AFP Prof. Dr. med. Folker Wenzel Dr. med. Thomas Lutz

EQA Scheme

Haematology 01 - Blood Cell Count (211)

Leucocytes Blood Cell Count Haemoglobin Haematocrit Erythrocytes MCV Thrombocytes Dr. med. Benedikt Lohr Dr. med. Thomas Nebe

EQA Scheme

Haematology 03 - Blood Cell Count - QBC System (209)

Leucocytes Blood Cell Count Haemoglobin Haematocrit Thrombocytes Dr. med. Benedikt Lohr Dr. med. Thomas Nebe

EQA Scheme

Haematology 04 - Reticulocyte Analysis 02 (Machine-Based Analysis) (216)

Concentration of Hb in reticulocytes Reticulated Platelets Reticulocytes Reticulocyte production Index (RPI) Immature reticulocytes Prof. Dr. med. Kai Gutensohn Dr. med. Thomas Nebe

EQA Scheme

Haematology 05 - Reticulocyte Analysis 01 (Microscopy) (215)

Reticulocytes Reticulocyte Prof. Dr. med. Kai Gutensohn Dr. med. Thomas Nebe

EQA Scheme

Haematology 06 - Differential Blood Count (Machine-Based Analysis) (612)

Lymphocytes Leucocytes Haemoglobin Haematocrit Erythrocytes Eosinophilic Granulocytes Differential Blood Count Basophilic Granulocytes MCV Monocytes Neutrophilic Granulocytes Thrombocytes Dr. med. Benedikt Lohr Dr. med. Thomas Nebe

EQA Scheme

Haematology 07 - Blood Smear Analysis (212)

Haematology 07 - Blood Smear Analysis Blood Smear Analysis Morphology of erythrocytes Morphology of leukocytes Morphology of platelets Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Torsten Haferlach Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Kern

EQA Scheme

Haematology 09 - Bone Marrow Cytology (218)

Bone Marrow Cytology Haematology 09 - Bone Marrow Cytology Granulopoiesis Erythropoiesis Megakaryopoiesis Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Torsten Haferlach Prof. Dr. med. Winfried Gassmann

EQA Scheme

Haematology 10 - Immunophenotyping 01 (213)

Lymphocytes Leucocytes Immunophenotyping CD8 CD4 B-Lymphocytes NK-cells T-lymphocytes Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Kern Dr. med. Richard Schabath

EQA Scheme

Haematology 11 - Stem/Progenitor Cells (CD34) (217)

Leucocytes Flowcytometry CD45+ events CD34+ events CD34 Progenitor Cells Stem Cells Viable CD34+ events Viable CD45+ events Prof. Dr. med. Kai Gutensohn Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Humpe

EQA Scheme

Haematology 12 - Immunophenotyping 02 (214)

Immunophenotyping Dr. med. Richard Schabath Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Kern

EQA Scheme

Haematology 13 - PNH Diagnostics (616)

GPI deficient cells PNH Dr. med. Britta Höchsmann Dr. med. Thomas Nebe

EQA Scheme

Haematology 14 - Immunophenotyping 03 (T, B and NK cells in cellular products) (617)

Leucocytes Immunophenotyping CD45+ B-cells NK-cells T-cells Flowcytometry Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Humpe Prof. Dr. med. Kai Gutensohn

EQA Scheme

Haematology 15 - Haemoglobinopathies (210)

Haemoglobinopathies Dr. med. Claudia Frömmel Dr. Adriana Méndez

EQA Scheme

Haematology 16 - Free Haemoglobin (236)

Free Haemoglobin Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas von Ahsen

EQA Scheme

Haematology 17 - Stem/Progenitor Cells (CD34) (stabilized) (660)

CD34 Prof. Dr. med. Kai Gutensohn Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Humpe

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 01 - PT, INR, aPTT (221)

INR aPTT TPT Quick TPZ Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 02 - FIB, TZ, FSP (222)

FDP screening Fibrinogen Thrombin time Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 03 - Factor II, V, VII,X (223)

Factor X Factor VII Factor V Factor II Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 04 - Factor IX, XI, XII, XIII (224)

Factor XIII Factor XII Factor XI Factor IX Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 05 - AT, Protein C, Protein S, C1-Inhibitor (225)

C1-Inhibitor AT Antithrombin Total Protein C Protein C Protein S Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 06 - D-Dimer (226)

D-Dimer Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 07 - Factor VIII, WF (227)

Factor VIII Willebrand Factor Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 10 - Argatroban (230)

Argatroban aPTT Thrombin time Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

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Haemostasis 12 - UF Heparin (280)

aPTT Thrombin time UF Heparin Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 13 - LMW Heparin (281)

LMW Heparin Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 14 - Orgaran (282)

Orgaran Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 15 - TEG/ROTEM (283)

TEG/ROTEM Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 17 - Compact (285)

INR Fibrinogen D-Dimer aPTT Antithrombin Quick Thrombin time TPZ Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 18 - POCT (286)

INR aPTT ACT Quick TPZ Andreas Giebl Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 20 - Functional APC Resistance (288)

APC resistance Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 21 - Fondaparinux (501)

Fondaparinux Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 22 - Dabigatran (502)

Dabigatran Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

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Haemostasis 23 - Rivaroxaban (503)

Rivaroxaban Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 25 - Apixaban (504)

Apixaban Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 31 - ROTEM Sigma (509)

A20 ROTEM Sigma Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

Haemostasis 32 - Edoxaban (505)

Edoxaban Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

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Haemostasis 33 - Emicizumab (506)

Emicizumab Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andrea Dick

EQA Scheme

HbA1c (145)

HbA1c Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

EQA Scheme

Hematopoetic Growth Factors (626)

Hematopoetic Growth Factors Erythropoietin Thrombopoietin Prof. Dr. med. Folker Wenzel Dr. med. Christof Geisen

EQA Scheme

IgG Subclasses (244)

IgG Subclasses Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck

EQA Scheme

Immunosuppressants (601)

Immunosuppressants Everolimus Cyclosporine A Sirolimus Tacrolimus Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas von Ahsen Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD)

EQA Scheme

Infection Serology - C-Reactive Protein (322)

C-Reactive Protein Prof. Dr. med. K.-P. Hunfeld Ulyana Gräf

EQA Scheme

Klinische Chemie - High Frequency (7100)

CK Calcium Chloride Cholesterol Creatinine GGT GOT (ASAT) GPT (ALAT) Glucose LDH Lithium Magnesium Potassium Protein Sodium Triglycerides Urea Uric Acid Patricia Kaiser

EQA Scheme

Lipids/Lipoproteins (151)

Lp (a) Lipoproteins Lipids LDL-cholesterol Homocystein HDL-cholesterol Cholesterol Apolipoprotein E Apolipoprotein B Apolipoprotein A1 Phospholipids Triglycerides Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

EQA Scheme

Markers of Ethanol Abuse 01 (750)

Disialotransferrin Asialotransferrin Markers of Ethanol Abuse Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Markers of Ethanol Abuse 02 (751)

Ethylglucuronid Markers of Ethanol Abuse Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Myocardial Markers (760)

Cardiac markers CK-MB Myocardial Markers Myoglobin NT-pro BNP Troponin I Troponin T Prof. Dr. med. Hannsjörg Baum Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz

EQA Scheme

Myocardial Markers BNP (761)

Myocardial Markers BNP Prof. Dr. med. Hannsjörg Baum Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz

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Neonatal Bilirubin (110)

Bilirubin Neonatal Bilirubin Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck

EQA Scheme

Newborn screening (785)

IRT 17-Hydroxyprogesterone Newborn screening PAP TSH Newborn Screening Dr. J. Hallbach Prof. Dr. med. Michael Spannagl

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Pancreas/Gastrointestinal Tract (300)

Insulin Glucagon Gastrin C-Peptide Pancreas Pro-insuline Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Jürgen Durner Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa

EQA Scheme

Paracetamol and NSAIDs (194)

Paracetamol NSAIDs Salicylic acid Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Photometer Controls (181)

Photometer Controls Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

EQA Scheme

Plasmaproteins 01 (241)

sTfR IgM IgG IgE IgA Haptoglobin Hemopexin Ferritin C-Reactive Protein Coeruloplasmin C4-Complement C3-Complement a2-Makroglobulin a1-Glycoprotein a1-Antitrypsine Plasmaprotein Transferrine Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck

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Plasmaproteins 02 - Cystatin C (242)

Cystatin-C Plasmaprotein Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck

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Plasmaproteins 03 - hsCRP (240)

hsCRP Plasmaprotein Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck

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Preeclampsia Marker (625)

Placental growth factor PLGF Preeclampsia Marker sFLT-1 (soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1) Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Psychostimulants - ADHS-Treatment (879)

Atomoxetine ADHS-Treatment Methylphenidate Ritalinic acid Psychostimulants Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Psychotherapeutic Drugs 01 (860)

Lamotrigine Citalopram Aripiprazole 10-OH-Carbamazepine O-Desmethylvenlafaxine Perazine Psychotherapeutic Drugs Quetiapine Venlafaxine Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Ekkehard Haen Florian Ridders

EQA Scheme

Psychotherapeutic Drugs 02 (861)

Escitalopram Amisulpride Mirtazapine O-Desmethylvenlafaxine Psychotherapeutic Drugs Quetiapine Venlafaxine Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Ekkehard Haen Florian Ridders

EQA Scheme

Psychotherapeutic Drugs 03 (862)

Haloperidol Duloxetine Clozapine 9-OH-Risperidone N-Desmethylclozapine Olanzapine Paliperidone Psychotherapeutic Drugs Quetiapine Risperidone Ziprasidone Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Ekkehard Haen Florian Ridders

EQA Scheme

Psychotherapeutic Drugs 04 (863)

Maproptiline Imipramine Doxepin Desipramine Clozapine Clomipramine Amitriptyline N-Desmethylclozapine Norclomipramine Nordoxepin Nortriptyline Psychotherapeutic Drugs Trimipramine Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Ekkehard Haen Florian Ridders

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Respiratory Stimulants - Caffeine (870)

Caffeine Respiratory Stimulants Respiratory Stimulants Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Serum Proteins/Electrophoresis (141)

gamma-Globulins Serum Proteins Protein beta-Globulins Albumin a2-Globulins a1-Globulins Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg

EQA Scheme

Steroid Hormones, Thyroid Gland (302)

Cortisol 17-beta-Estradiol Progesterone Thyroid Hormones Steroid Homones T3 T4 Testosterone Thyroxine Trijodthyronin TSH Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Systematic Toxicological Analysis (STA) (188)

Chromatographic analysis Systematic Toxicological Analysis (STA) Dr. J. Hallbach Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Therapeutic drugs 01 - Antiepileptics, Digoxin, Lithium and others (195)

Lithium Ethosuximid Digoxin Carbamacepine Phenobarbital Phenytoin Primidon Theophylline Valproic Acid Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Therapeutic drugs 02 - Antibiotics, Digitoxin, MTX (197)

Gentamicin Digitoxin Amicacin Methotrexate Tobramycin Vancomycin Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

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Thyroid Gland Antibodies (295)

Anti - TPO Anti - Tyreoglobulin Anti - Mikrosomen Thyroid Gland Antibodies TRAK/THYBIA Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Jürgen Durner Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa

EQA Scheme

Thyroid Hormones (294)

Thyroid Hormones T3 T4 Thyroxine Trijodthyronin TSH Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Jürgen Durner Prof. Dr. med. Peter B. Luppa

EQA Scheme

Trace Elements 01 (Urine) (205)

Manganese Copper Cobalt Cadmium Iodine Fluoride Iron Chromium Lead Arsenic Aluminium Nickel Mercury Selenium Trace Elements Zinc Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

EQA Scheme

Trace Elements 02 (Plasma) (206)

Manganese Copper Cobalt Cadmium Iodine Gold Fluoride Iron Chromium Arsenic Aluminium Nickel Platin Selenium Trace Elements Zinc Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

EQA Scheme

Trace Elements 03 (Serum) (207)

Bismuth Beryllium Antimon Molybdaen Trace Elements Vanadium Tin Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

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Trace Elements 04 (Whole Blood) (208)

Manganese Magnesium Cobalt Cadmium Chromium Lead Arsenic Antimon Nickel Mercury Selenium Trace Elements Zinc Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

EQA Scheme

Tri-/Tetracyclic Antidepressants 03 - Quantitative in Serum (202)

Maproptiline Imipramine Desipramine Normaproptiline Tetracyclic Antidepressants Tricyclic Antidepressants Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Tricyclic Antidepressants 01 - Quantitative in Serum (199)

Clomipramine Amitriptyline Norclomipramine Nortriptyline Tricyclic Antidepressants Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Tricyclic Antidepressants 02 - Quantitative in Serum (201)

Doxepin Nordoxepin Nortrimipramine Trimipramine Tricyclic Antidepressants Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Tricyclic Antidepressants 04 - Qualitative in Serum (203)

Imipramine Doxepin Desipramine Clomipramine Amitriptyline Norclomipramine Nordoxepin Nortrimipramine Nortriptyline Trimipramine Tricyclic Antidepressants Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Tricyclic Antidepressants 05 - Qualitative in Urine (204)

Imipramine Doxepin Desipramine Clomipramine Amitriptyline Norclomipramine Nordoxepin Nortrimipramine Nortriptyline Trimipramine Tricyclic Antidepressants Prof. Dr. med. Werner Steimer Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider

EQA Scheme

Tumor Markers (292)

HER2/new HE4 hCG intact CYFRA 21-1 CEA CA 72-4 CA 19-9 CA 15-3 CA 125 beta-2-Microglobulin AFP NSE PSA ROMA-Score S100 SCC Thyreoglobulin TPA TPS Tumor Markers Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Holdenrieder Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz

EQA Scheme

Tumor Markers - Calcitonin/Pro-Gastrin-Releasing Peptide (299)

Calcitonin Pro-Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Tumor Markers Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Holdenrieder Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz

EQA Scheme

Tumor Markers - PSA and Testosterone (293)

PSA Testosterone Tumor Markers Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Holdenrieder Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Peetz

EQA Scheme

Urinary Stone Analyses (500)

Urinary Stone Analyses Urinary Stone Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Neubeck PD Dr. med. Karl H. Reuner

EQA Scheme

Urine Chemistry 01 (Qualitative) (171)

Leucocytes Urine Protein Differentiation Ketone bodies hCG Glucose Erythrocytes Protein Bilirubin Ascorbic acid Albumin Nitrite pH specific gravity Urine Chemistry Urobilinogen Dr. Roman Fried Dr. med. Christoph Niederau

EQA Scheme

Urine Chemistry 02 (Quantitative) (173)

Magnesium Creatinine Potassium Urea Uric Acid Glucose Protein Chloride Calcium alpha-Amylase Microalbumin Sodium Osmolality Phosphate Urine Chemistry Dr. Roman Fried Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck

EQA Scheme

Urine Chemistry 03 (Biogene Amines) (175)

Homovanillic acid Dopamine Biogene Amines Epinephrine 5-Hydroxyindolea acid 3-Methoxytyramine Metanephrines Norepinephrine Normetanephrine Serotonin Urine Chemistry Vanillylmandelic acid Dr. rer. nat Heike Schneider Dr. med. Thomas Lutz

EQA Scheme

Urine Chemistry 04 (Porphyrins) (178)

Coproporphyrin Hexaporphyrin Heptaprorphyrin Pentaporphyrin Porphyrins Urine Chemistry Uroporphorin Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

EQA Scheme

Urine Chemistry 05 (Hormones) (179)

hCG intact Cortisol free Aldosterone Urine Chemistry Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

EQA Scheme

Urine Chemistry 06 (Sediment Pictures) (172)

Sediment Pictures Urine Chemistry Urine Sediment Pictures Dr. Roman Fried Dr. med. Christoph Niederau

EQA Scheme

Urine Chemistry 07 (Aminolaevulinic acid / Porphobilinogen) (180)

Urine Chemistry 06 Aminolaevulinic acid Porphobilinogen Dr. Patricia Kaiser (PhD) Udo Kramer, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

EQA Scheme

Urine Protein Differentiation (182)

Urine Chemistry Albumin Creatinine Retinol binding protein Transferrine alpha-1-Microglobulin alpha-2-macroglobulin beta-2-Microglobulin IgG Dr. Roman Fried Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Falck

EQA Scheme

Virilization (309)

Androstendion 17-Hydroxyprogesterone Virilization Prof. Dr. med. Folker Wenzel Dr. med. Thomas Lutz

EQA Scheme

Vitamins 01 (Serum) (290)

Holotranscobalamine Folic acid Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Biotin (Vitamin H) 25-OH CCF (Vitamin D) 1,25-OH Cholecalciferol Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (Vitamin B6) Retinol (Vitamin A) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Vitamins Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg

EQA Scheme

Vitamins 02 (Whole Blood) (291)

Flavine mononucleotid (FMN) Flavine Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD) Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (Vitamin B6) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Thiamine total (Vitamin B1) Thiaminpyrophosphat (TPP) Vitamins Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg

EQA Scheme

Vitamins 03 - Vitamin C (296)

Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) Vitamin C Vitamins Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg

EQA Scheme

Vitamins 04 - Methylmalonic Acid (187)

Methylmalonic Acid Vitamins Dr. med. Christoph Niederau Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingo Schellenberg